Release Notes

We are constanty working to improve the Accolader platform by adding new features & fixing issues that come up. Below is a list of these changes & improvements.

If you have questions about these changes, or would like to suggest a new feature, please contact us at:


New Features:
  • Adds the ability to filter the "Page Views" & "Awards Sent" graph on the Admin Dashboard by timeframes.
  • Adds the ability to filter the "Award Leaders" section of the Admin Dashboard by timeframes.


New Features:
  • Adds a "Award Leaders" leaderboard section to the "Team" page with the ability to filter the leaderboard by groups & timeframes.
  • Adds a sort by user's lastname option to the "Team Members" section of the "Team" page.


New Features:
  • Adds the ability to give emoji reactions to awards given in the app.
  • Adds a character count with emoji faces (showing the strength of your text) when creating an award in the app.
  • On Pro accounts only, adds the ability to add a custom background image to an award when you are creating in the app.


New Features:
  • Organizations with a Google Workspace account can now sync their Workspace to Accolader!
  • Google Workspace sync setup pages and buttons added to admin interface.
Updated Features:
  • Users can now use Google Single Sign-On when creating their account.
  • Changes "Start Date" to "Hire Date" across the app.
  • Updates to feature list for marketing plans page.
  • Adds Accolader pro information on the admin sidebar to free version accounts, as well as a button to upgrade to pro.


New Features:
  • Adds ability to award multiple users with an accolade.
Updated Features:
  • Users can now select multiple users to receive award in the "Award" modal.
  • Visual updates for marketing page layout.
  • Visual updates for activity page for group awards.
  • Visual updates for user profile page for group awards.
  • Visual updates for admin dashboard for group awards.
  • Visual updates for admin user page for group awards.
  • Visual updates for navbar for non-signed-in users.


New Features:
  • Adds ability to add a custom message to individual user invite emails.
  • Adds ability to add a custom message to user invite emails via CSV upload.
Updated Features:
  • Updates user CSV upload page layout.
  • Adds free plan and pro plan sign up buttons on the 'Plans' page.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixes an issue where navbar on the plans page does not show 'Resources' or 'Sign In' options.


New Features:
  • Adds ability to redeem a promo account for first-time Accolader Pro sign-ups.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixes an issue where team logo is displayed after logout.
  • Fixes occasional 500 error on sign-up after signing out from an existing account then attempting to create a new account.


New Features:
  • Adds ability to add custom logo to Accolader account (pro only).


New Features:
  • Adds page during onboarding process detailing the benefits of using Accolader Pro vs. signing up with a free account.
  • Adds section on the marketing page listing the various benefits of switching to Accolader Pro.
  • Adds paid premium Accolader Pro version. Users can either subscribe to pro during the initial sign-up process or switch to pro any time after setting up their account. The subscription can be managed through the admin account settings page.
  • Adds ability to export award info into CSV file (pro only).
  • Adds ability to export user info into CSV file (pro only).
  • Adds ability to add custom color scheme into CSV file (pro only).
  • Adds ability create custom awards or edit preset awards (pro only).
  • Adds more advanced filtering options on the admin users page and the admin awards page.
Updated Features:
  • Additional info/clarification included in "invalid emails" email.
  • Removes "company size" field in onboarding process.


New Features:
  • Adds the ability to filter events on the Activity page by the recipient of the event’s group.
  • Adds the ability to see the original award description text for an endorsement event type on the Activity page.
Updated Features:
  • Updates the styling of the Activity page to display award types in new timeframe groupings instead of just weeks.
  • Updates the styling of the Monthly Updates email.
  • Updates the styling of the Admin > Award Types page to use toggle buttons for activating & inactivating award types.


New Features:
  • Adds a Demo Account for prospective customers to try out the Accolader product before signing up and creating their own account. (All data in the new Demo Account is shared and seen by all users, and all data/changes are reset each night.)
  • Adds a “Get Started” & “Try The Demo” button to the top of the main “” page.
  • Adds a link to try the new Demo Account on the “” page.
Updated Features:
  • Updates the line & bar chart on the Admin > Dashboard page to show the 8 most recent months' worth of data, instead of just data from January - December of the current year.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixes an issue where the green line chart that shows on the Admin > Dashboard page doesn't plot the points correctly.
  • Adds a hover state to the “Send Reset Link” & “Sign Up” links on the sign-in page.


New Features:
  • Adds the admin setting to send a reminder email to users who are invited to your organization but have not yet activated their account.
  • Adds the admin setting to integrate Microsoft Teams to get a notification in your Teams platform when an award is given to a user in your organization.
  • Adds the “Account Settings” section to the admin navbar with the ability to edit your organization name as it displays throughout the Accolader app.


New Features:
  • Adds the ability to search for an award type by name in the “Award Type” field on the send award modal.
  • Adds the ability for the “Description of Achievement” field to grow in height if the user types beyond the default height.
  • Adds a tip on the send award modal encouraging users to write the award in the third person.
  • Adds the ability to tab through all clickable elements on the site with your keyboard.
  • Adds a blue drop-shadow around selected input fields and other clickable elements on the site (when you click on them or tab to them with your keyboard) so that you have better visibility of what is selected.
  • Adds the ability to see an enlarged version of the 3 screenshots on "" when you click on them.
Updated Features:
  • Updates the “Team Member” field on the send award modal to automatically show the dropdown list of all users when you put your cursor into the field.
  • Updates the design of the dropdown list of award types on the “Award Type” field on the send award modal.
  • Increases the size of the “Description of Achievement” field on the send award modal so users will be encouraged to type a longer description.
  • Makes the "Archived Users" table on the Admin > Users page show open by default, instead of being rolled up and needing to be clicked on to see the list.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixes an issue where the "Sign in with Google" button on the sign-in screen was not working.
  • Fixes an issue where new line breaks typed in the description of an award are not shown.
  • Corrects the browser tab title of the Admin > Dashboard page to show correctly.
  • Corrects the browser tab title of the Awards Page to show correctly.


New Features:
  • Adds a new “Dashboard” page for Admins with basic analytics & stats about their account.
Updated Features:
  • Updates the “Admin” button in the navbar to take you to the new “Dashboard” page instead of the “Awards” page.
  • Changes the “Visits” stat on the “Activity” page to “Page Views” to reflect the total number of pages the users in your account have visited in a given week.
  • Adds more error handling & better error messaging display for each input field during the account creation process.
  • Updates screenshots on the main website.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixes an issue where the “Monthly Update” email was sent out 3 times in August.
  • Fixes an issue where after you manually invite users to your account, and are taken back to the “Users” admin page, the “Users” option color in the side admin navbar does not stay blue.


New Features:
  • Keeps users logged into their account if you close your web browser and reopen it without signing out of your account.
  • Adds a pop-up notification that is not supported on the Internet Explorer if that is the browser someone is accessing the site from.
  • Adds the new page with separate sections & filtering for “Blog” & “Product Guide” content posts.
Updated Features:
  • Removes the “Remember Me” checkbox at sign-in and instead automatically keeps users logged in unless you log out of your account.
  • Changes “Product Guide” to “Resources” in the footer & on the main page, and makes its URL, instead of
  • Removes the “Privacy” & “Terms” links from the footer of the Admin pages.
  • Changes the name of the “Start Date” field on the “Create Profile” page to “Work Anniversary (Start Date)”.


New Features:
  • Now allows the clicking of the “Add Endorsement” button for a specific award on the Activity Page to create an endorsement on that page.
  • On the Activity page, adds a count of endorsements an award has received if there has been one or more endorsement received.
  • On the Activity page, adds text explaining why you can’t endorse an award that doesn’t have the “Add Endorsement” button.
  • Removes the 2 week time limit to add an endorsement to an award. Endorsements can now be made at anytime on an award.
  • Adds a warning message when you are trying to create an endorsement on an award that is more than a month old.
  • Updates the icon for when you add Accolader as a shortcut to your home screen from Safari on a mobile device.
Updated Features:
  • Updates the styling of the warning message you get if you are trying to create an award or endorsement with a description that is too short.
  • Updates the styling of the “Add Endorsement” button on the Activity & My Awards pages.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixes an issue where the description of the award will show on the Endorsement listed on the Activity page instead of the endorsements description.
  • Fixes an issue where Award names would not show the right capitalization on the Activity page.
  • Fixes an issue where on a mobile device with dark-mode turned on, the confetti images in the email notification for a new endorsement would not show transparent.
  • Fixes a typo in the wording of the password length error message at account creation or new user activation.
  • Fixes a typo on the “Change Password” page.


New Features:
  • Adds a Release Notes page that captures any new features, updated features, or bug fixes made in the Accolader platform.
  • Adds a hyperlink to the new Release Notes page in the page footer.
  • Added a hyperlink to the terms of service page next to the confirmation checkmark box when admins create their new Accolader account or users activate their user account.
  • Adds unique browser tab page titles for each page you can navigate to in Accolader.
Updated Features:
  • Updates the name of the "Welcome Badge" award you get when you first activate your user account to just be called the "Welcome" award.
  • Makes sure that everywhere on the Accolader site & in emails, we are referring to awards as "awards" and not "accolades".
  • During account creation & user activation adds a link to the product guide on the "We Have Liftoff!"" screen.
  • Removes the green confirmation flash message after account creation.
  • Changed the placeholder text from "Personalized Description..." to "Description of Achievement" on the award creation model.
  • Updates the color of the "Invited Users" table header on the Admin > Users page from grey to black to match the "Active Users" table.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixes an issue where buttons in emails on mobile devices with long text could appear as split lines instead of one full button.
  • Fixes an issue where the “Invited Users” table on the Admin > Users page on mobile would not display correctly.


New Features:
  • Adds endorsements given on an award as a timeline item on the Activity page.
  • Adds endorsements given on an award as part of the 5 featured events in the monthly digest email.
  • If Slack messages are turned on for your account, endorsements given on an award will now trigger a new message in your Slack account (just like it does for Awards).
  • If an endorsement is given on an award, the person who received the endorsement will now receive an email notification (just like it does for Awards).
  • Adds the count of endorsements given to a specific award on the Admin > Awards page.
Updated Features:
  • Updates the design of the award icon if it has been endorsed.
  • Updates slack messages for new awards given to show the full award description instead of just the first 100 characters.
  • Has endorsements given on an award show by default, instead of being rolled up and hidden by default.
  • Makes the creation of an endorsement on an award be in a pop-up module instead of made inline on the award itself.
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixes a typo on the main page.


New Features:
  • Adds Accolader’s LinkedIn page to the footer.
Updated Features:
  • Updates the Twitter & Facebook links in the footer to point to their new URL after their handle names changed.
  • Puts “Product Guide” link as the first list item in the footer instead of the last.


New Features:
  • Adds to Accolader a Product Guide that is accessible at “”, the navbar on “”, and in the footer of all pages.
  • Adds to Accolader the Privacy Policy that is accessible in the footer of all pages or at “” with the option to download a PDF copy.
  • Adds to Accolader the Terms of Service that is accessible in the footer of all pages or at “” with the option to download a PDF copy.
Updated Features:
  • “” (on mobile devices) now has a hamburger dropdown menu in the navbar with “Product Guide”, “Sign In” & “Get Started” options to select from.
Bug Fixes:
  • The list of filter options was not displaying with the capitalization they were created with, it would downcase all letters & capitalize the first letter of each word by default.


Bug Fixes:
  • If you clicked the award icons for any user listed on the Teams page, it would take you to the Activity page instead of the specific award on the user’s page.
  • If you clicked a specific award on the Activity page it would take you to the user’s page, but was not scrolling down to that specific award on the page.


New Features:
  • Admin > Users page can now filter your active users by their groups they are in, or the role they are in.
  • Admin > Awards page can now filter all your awards by their award type.
  • Admins now have the ability to change the award type of an award that is created in their account on the Admin > Awards > Edit page.
Updated Features:
  • Activity page now only loads 5 weeks worth of awards at a time, and adds a “load more” button to see the next set of 5 weeks at a time.
  • User’s Profile page now only loads 20 awards (given or received) at a time, and now adds a “load more” button to see the next set of 20 awards at a time.
  • Teams page now only loads 20 users at a time, and now adds a “load more” button to see the next set of 20 users at a time.
  • Updates the Team page to only be searched by a user’s name or their “title”.
  • Admin > Users page now only loads 20 users at a time, and adds a list of pages for users to navigate to a specific page and buttons to go to the next page or the previous page.
  • Updates the Admin > Users page of “Active Users” to only be searched by their name.
  • Admin > Groups page now has an empty state design to the page if you haven’t created any groups in your account yet.
  • Admin > Awards page now only loads 20 awards at a time, and adds a list of pages for users to navigate to a specific page and buttons to go to the next page or the previous page.
  • Updates the Admin > Awards page to only be searched by the “Recipient” or “Sent By” columns.
  • Updates how your company’s name displays throughout the app.
Bug Fixes:
  • The “Revert to Default” button on the Admin > Users > Edit page was not working previously.
  • The award icon image was not coming through in the slack message that posts when a user received an award.


New Features:
  • Search & filter users & their groups on the Team page.
  • Cancel button on the crop profile image screen will cancel new image upload & default to the previously uploaded image.
  • The crop profile image page is now mobile responsive.
  • 4 new award types added. (Communication, Wellness, Safety, Sales)
  • You can now manage award types by turning them on or off, instead of always having a set number of awards created for you.
  • User list search on award creation, instead of a dropdown list.
  • Adds a confetti animation after you successfully create an award.
  • Adds an in-app notification if you receive an award since you last signed in.
  • Invite large amounts of users to your system with a CSV upload.
  • Resend Invite Email button added to your list of invited users on the admin users page.
Bug Fixes:
  • Email digest will show awards were sent last month, instead of saying that none were sent last month.